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Discoverability for

event-driven architectures

Managing domains, services and messages can be hard.

Document them with EventCatalog.

Trusted by teams building event-driven architectures

Using EventCatalog? Let us know

Documentation for architectures

EventCatalog has the tools you need to document your event-driven architectures

Powered by markdown

Create and maintain your documentation effortlessly with markdown.
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Get clear, automatic visualizations of your architecture.
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Fast Refresh

Experience fast, reliable live-editing. See your changes instantly.
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Plugin architecture. Our mission to integrate with any message broker in the world.
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EventCatalog comes with custom components. You choose what to render on your pages.
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Self hosting

Self-host EventCatalog output anywhere you want. You choose.
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Integrations with EventCatalog

Connect to cloud providers, brokers, specifications or custom integrations
EventCatalog Discord

Join the community

EventCatalog is an open source project. Got any ideas, feature requests, want to contribute? Come join us! Over 600 members on discord.


Powered by markdown

Powered by markdown

Document your architecture with Markdown and our custom components.
See the demo ->
Visualise your architecture

Visualise your architecture

Document your domains, services and messages and let EventCatalog visualize your architecture for you.
See the demo ->


Find events, commands, services or domains using custom built table, designed for discoverability.
See the demo ->
Domain driven design (DDD)

Domain driven design (DDD)

EventCatalog allows you to document your domains. Group services within domains to get an overview of your architecture.
See the demo ->

Open source community

EventCatalog is used and supported by developers across the world.

Catalogs created
Pull requests
GitHub stars


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