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Adding components

The components directory is where your custom components will be created and stored.

Upgrading your catalog?

If you don't have a components directory, you will need to create one in the root of your catalog (e.g /my-catalog/components)

Types of components

EventCatalog supports astro components and markdown components.

  1. Astro components - Dynamic components (recommended)
    • Example /my-catalog/components/my-component.astro
  2. Markdown components - Static markdown files
    • Example /my-catalog/components/

Astro components (.astro)

Component structure

Astro components are split into two parts the script and the template.

// Component Script (JavaScript)
<!-- Component Template (HTML + JS Expressions) -->
  • Component script: Define variables, data, import components and make API requests (read more)
  • Component template: Determines the HTML output. Also supports style and script tags. (read more)


  1. First define your component.
# Import data from your eventcatalog.config.js file
import config from "@config"
# Access passed-in component props, like `<MyComponent title="Hello, World" />`
const { subtitle } = Astro.props;

<span>This catalog belongs to the company:{config.organizationName}</span>
<span>Data given to this component {subtitle}</span>

  1. Import your component inside your domain, service or message.
id: OrderAccepted
name: Order Accepted
# ... other event data

<!-- Import the component into your page -->
import MyComponent from '@catalog/components/my-component.astro"

# Overview

This event represents when an order has been accepted on our system.

<!-- Render the component and pass props into it -->
<MyComponent subtitle="This is a component" />

Read the full astro guide here.

Define variables inside your resources

EventCatalog allows you to define variables inside your domains, services and messages that can be used to pass through to your custom components.

id: OrderAccepted
name: Order Accepted
# ... other event data

<!-- Define your custom variable to use on this page -->
export const MyCustomVariable = "Hello world";

<!-- Import the component into your page -->
import MyComponent from '@catalog/components/my-component.astro"

# Overview

This event represents when an order has been accepted on our system.

<!-- Render the component and pass custom variable to it -->
<MyComponent subtitle={MyCustomVariable} />

Reference frontmatter data in your components

If you want to reference your domain, service or message data, you can reference the frontmatter information.

id: OrderAccepted
name: Order Accepted
# ... other event data

<!-- Import the component into your page -->
import MyComponent from '@catalog/components/my-component.astro"

# Overview

This event represents when an order has been accepted on our system.

<!-- Reference the name defined in your frontmatter -->
<MyComponent subtitle={} />

Reference eventcatalog.config.js data in your components

If you want to reference your eventcatalog.config.js data you can import it within your component.

# Import data from your eventcatalog.config.js file
import config from "@config"

<span>This catalog belongs to the company: {config.organizationName}</span>
<span>This catalog title is: {config.title}</span>